oxygen tank.

This morning, Sydney collapsed. Danny raced her to Dr. Ronsoke’s and he suspects that she wasn’t getting enough oxygen to her brain. He admitted her to the “ICU” and she spent the day resting in an oxygen cube.

We picked her up this evening and unfortunately her blood levels are still going down (ugh). She got to come home as long as we promised to make her an absolute couch potato and crate her (something new to her).

All of her tests thus far have come back negative. We’re really glad to hear she doesn’t have Lupus (which was a major concern), but all negative test results mean that we still don’t have answers.

She’s going back on Saturday morning to have her levels tested.  If they haven’t miraculously gone up by then, they’re going to give her some synthetic blood and do bone marrow testing. Her body just isn’t producing red blood cells – at all – and no red blood cells is no bueno.

Sadly, this all also means that Danny has to stay home with her and miss out on this weekend’s trip. Bummer deal… two trips in a row. She’s a lucky girl to have such a good dad. He doesn’t even think twice about where he needs to be.

{the baby oxygen tank}

1 Comment

  • Reply August 21, 2010


    Poor, poor, baby. Hang in there Teri. Syd has such great parents. This must be so hard on you guys.

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