
We’ve been major homebodies this week. It’s not like us, but I can’t lie – it’s been kinda nice. We kept our after-work schedules clear, made home cooked meals, lit pumpkin spice candles, caught up on tons of TV and the weather finally cooled off enough to take long evening walks together – one of mine and Hunter’s favorite things (Danny goes, but not without some convincing).
It’s particularly me who’s been especially mellow this week. On a walk Danny said, “so what do you wanna chat about?” (because I’m always talking) to which I say, “nothing. let’s just walk” (insert Danny’s baffled face). Then, last night he had cabin fever and wanted to get out of the house for a drink (this is usually me) but after one cocktail I told him I was antsy and ready to go home. Weird, right?
Being at home also gave me some time to pull out the fall decor. We don’t have much, but just enough to make it feel seasonal & festive.
{the pig’s not festive. he lives there are year long.}

 {this “winter” i want to make smores in the fireplace}
{cleared out the usual dining room centerpiece for the fall variety}
{it’s easy to keep stuff on the table since we hardly use it}
{i love these big pumpkins on the front porch}
{a bit of halloween}
{mr. pumpkin head in the sitting room}
 {it’s patio weather! hooray. and, of course Hunter had to get in a shot}

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