conquering the wedding album.

I’m one of those “I can make that” people. I love crafts. I like seeing an idea and trying to create it own my own. This is a blessing and a curse. Things in my world tend to take much longer to get done.

One of the “I can do that” tasks was our wedding album. We were married in September 2009 and every time I’d sit down to go through the photos and create an album I’d get overwhelmed and just walk away. So I set a goal for myself – by the end of 2010 it must be done.

While Danny was in Austin, I decided it was the perfect time to open a bottle of wine and have a date night with my Macbook Pro & iPhoto to tackle the beast that is a wedding album (brides you understand)… and I did it!

Once Danny was back we reviewed each page and he made some awesome suggestions – like including an overview of our day and special memories. I love this. We included details like the flow of events, first dance songs for us and our parents, the menu, bridal party, reading by our siblings, etc. Plus, I’m gluing an envelop in the back to hold our vows and other printed materials. It was crazy that just a year later I had to refer back to my wedding binder to get the details right – the important details I lost sleep over for a year.

Well… the 100-page coffee table book arrived tonight and I couldn’t be more excited. Excited that it’s done. Excited it turned out. Excited it’s on the coffee table for when I need a quick smile.

Secretly I hope one day my daughter will pick up this book and love having every detail of mom & dad’s wedding day at her fingertips.

Now it’s time to get my wedding dress cleaned. Ooops. One thing at a time.

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