i never have naked lips.

If there’s something I’d consider myself an expert on – it’s lip products. Chapstick, lipgloss – you name it, I’ve applied it and have an opinion about it. To put it plainly :: I’m addicted.

I don’t go anywhere without chapstick or gloss – meetings (I know that’s not professional but I can’t focus on the task at hand if I’m feeling dry), the gym and everywhere in between. For my birthday, Angela got me an adorable mini make-up bag to hold my ridiculous stash that was otherwise a disaster at the bottom of my purse. Think I’m kidding about my addiction? This is note a joke, I just dumped this out:

I am armed and ready to take on even the most chapped of lips.  

In my make-up bag over the years….

  • In high school is was MAC Lipglass – way too sticky for every day, but great for photos.
  • In college it was Lancome Juicy Tubes – smells great but need to constantly re-apply.
  • Then I graduated to Chanel – great applicator, beautiful colors and love the shimmer but save for date night – too pricey to waste at work and beyond annoying to lose the $27 tube during a fun night out.
  • Philosophy – great buy ($10) and some of my favorite seasonal flavors and scents.
  • Burt’s Bees – a new one in my bag but I’m liking it. It has a very tingly taste and the dark color acts as a stain and lasts quick a while. Still need a gloss over the base.
  • Hurraw! Vegan balm – love the concept, the tube and flavors but it dries my lips out.
  • At the wedding it was MAC Lusterglass in Love Nectar – a thick gloss and the perfect color for day to night. Always have a tube of this in the bag.
My favorite gloss of them all….
This past spring, my girlfriend Carlie introduced a group of us to Neutrogena’s MositureShiner Lip Soother and it’s fabulous. Why?
  • It’s SPF 20
  • It’s not sticky
  • It doesn’t dry your lips out (at all)
  • It stays on your lips for a while
  • It comes in a variety of shades which are great alone or over a lipstick
  • And the best part… you can pick it up at any drugstore for $6.50

My favorite chapstick of them all….
Just a couple weeks ago, my girlfriend Rachel introduced me to EOS –  my newest lip ointment obsession. It’s 95% organic, 100% natural includes shea butter & vitamin E, and the shape is amazing. When applying, you cover both lips at the same time. My fave flavor so far is Mint. If you see me walking around with little pastel colored eggs, you’ll know why.


  • Reply November 17, 2010

    Rachel + Mikis

    I LOVE this post! I think you and I are chapstick soul mates :). Glad your enjoying the EOS, it truly is addicting!

  • Reply November 17, 2010


    The minute Rachel busted out that egg looking thing at Postinos, my mind went directly to you! Glad to see you bought it and you have another addiction. xoxo

  • Reply November 18, 2010

    Teri and Danny B.

    Rachel… we totally are chapstick soulmates. Thanks again for gifting me the joy of the EOS -twice! I love both flavors. So thoughtful of you. Steph, I’ve met my match huh? :)

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