two hours with tiff.

Over the years, I’ve been lucky that Phoenix is a frequent stop for a few of my travel-for-work girlfriends.

Tiff called a couple days ago* to let me know she’d be in town on Tuesday for a meeting – she’d be done around 4:30 p.m. and had a 7 o’clock flight… but of course we’d make a visit it work.

We met at my office and raced over to The Main Ingredient Ale House to grab some wine and catch up before her flight. Halfway through our bottle we decided we were having too much fun and there was much more to gab about, so with one quick dial to Southwest Airlines we had an extra hour and twenty minutes to talk wedding and life before she flew back to San Diego. She’s one of my faves and I love her random visits – no matter how quick they are.

*Note, this is advance notice. Tiff’s been know to call while pulling into our driveway… or after she’s let herself in.

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