weekend recap.

1. friday date night. pre-dinner drinks at The Roosevelt Tavern downtown, a little renovated historic home. my only goal of the night was to end up at a new restaurant for dinner (new to us) well,  that didn’t happen… but in our defense we tried. The holiday weekend plus the PF Changs Rock & Roll Marathon visitors made wait times a tad ridiculous. We’ll try again next week – I still have my list of four new places.

2. we made a pact to spend the weekend crossing tasks off our ever-dwindling to-do list – and we did it! danny admitted that he’s a bit of an electronics hoarder, but we worked through it. we took a big carload to the goodwill, emptied boxes of junk we’ve been storing waaaay too long, and danny listed a bunch of new items for sale on craigslist. it. feels. so. good. i love empty tubs & boxes. we’re so close to being done – like 2.5 things on the list. and, at one point danny over-heated the shredder (um, buckets of college documents).

3. loving all the leafs on the ground. so pretty. cool tool belt, danny.

4. working. working. working. danny finished the guest house. i caulked the remaining baseboards & chair rail.

It’s time for turkey burgers, beer, The Golden Globes and season premier of one of my fave shows, Big Love. We deserve it. Hope you enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend.

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