a wild afternoon in san diego.

We only really had one full day in San Diego, so after we picked up Danny’s new mini, we headed to my parents house, got the niece and nephew and headed to the Wild Animal Park. I wanted Danny to visit a place that has a lot of significance in our family – it’s where my parents had their first date (how cute is that?) and a place we grew up going to on a regular basis. We were always there for the exhibits and even concerts in the park.

It was fun to be there with Jacob and Jayden. Danny and Jayden quickly became best friends which was a nice change of pace from the silent treatment he usually receives from the tot who’s in her “late three’s” according to Jacob. We loved that phrasing!

{jayden really liked the “eff-en-ets” aka elephants}

a short video of miss jayden explaining why flamingos are pink.

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