tiff & troy’s la jolla wedding weekend.

Weekends like the one we just had remind me how lucky we really are. Not only did Danny and I get to spend four days enjoying the gorgeous weather in La Jolla, California – we got to do it with a bunch of our closest friends! It’s pretty awesome and the perfect vacation balance… couple time + friend time + group time. Of course us girls love these vacations together, but our husbands and fiances are actually friends too. Yes, for real. We’re lucky ducks.
It’s pretty nuts that most of my girlfriends are engaged or married, but I’m so happy with how everything has turned out. The vacations just keep getting better and easier. Everyone is excited, relaxed and comfortable with the group. We’re all low-key and pretty much on the same page with everything. It’s great that us girls can lay and gab all day and the guys have no problem filling their time together with tennis, golf or whatever activity they choose. Quite honestly, this is a super fun phase of our adulthood, so we’re gonna soak up every second of it (we already have trips planned well into 2012)!
It’s going to be hard to recap such an awesome weekend, but here are some highlights.  We flew in first thing on Friday morning and had breakfast with my dad and little brother Steven at The Mission, a great little spot in downtown SD’s East Village.
After breakfast, the boys dropped us off at the beautiful Estancia La Jolla where we’d be for the next few days.
On Friday, a big group of Tiff and Troy’s friends and family spent the day at the pool.
Such a fun time filled with lots of laughs, vodka lemonades and beers.
All a little sunkist from a day in the sun, later that night we enjoyed dinner and cocktails with everyone.
{the gorgeous groom and bride}
{love these girls. love.}
{having some fun with the hot pink lipstick}
 We kicked off the wedding day with a long breakfast followed by another day in the pool.
Time for Tiff and Troy’s wedding at the Darlington House in La Jolla!
{awesome mimosa & bellini tree}
{onehope wine favor and placecard tags}
{“you are so beautiful, to meeeee”}
{the photographer and lifelong friend}
On Sunday, we spent the day golfing in the 9th Annual M+D (Quinn) Golf Tournament and meeting Meg. It was my first time playing a round of golf and apparently I didn’t do all that bad. I shanked my fair share of balls but the group actually used my tee-shot a handful of times. The real star of the show was Meg – for so many reasons.
{us girls dominated this particular hole}
Not pictured… a UofA style pool party for Jeremy’s birthday,
dinner at Fat Fish Mexican Cantina, tennis for the boys and lots more pooltime.
hope you had a fantastic fourth of july weekend.
we sure did.

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