travelin’ man.

phoenix — las vegas — phoenix — los angeles — phoenix — flagstaff — phoenix — denver — phoenix
that’s been danny’s schedule since sunday. sure people travel for work all the time, but i think the remarkable part is that he’s been home every night. they’ve been late arrivals, but i’ll take it. last flight home at night and the first flight out the next morning. awesome for me, but i’m sure exhausting for him.
needless to say he’s been really busy with work… traveling lots of miles and burning the midnight oil when he’s in town – but you’d never know it. his ability to balance work/life/family reminds me of my dad – he never comes home super cranky or too stressed out. instead, he shifts gears and focuses on me and huntie. his unwavering work ethic and ability to balance is one of the things i love and admire most about him.
a perfect example of his balancing skills…  on tuesday ting worked until 8:45pm when i picked him up for a concert, we went to the concert, and within five minutes of getting home (around midnight) he was already back in our kitchen working on some things he needed to get done before morning. rockstar.
for his sake, i’m hoping this weekend is nice and relaxing. he deserves it.

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