ninety minutes of action.

Dad’s favorite sport is hockey. Before his and Steven’s visit last weekend he called to mention that the LA Kings (the team he follows) were playing the Phoenix Coyotes on Saturday night. Perfect! We snagged some awesome tickets and headed out to Glendale’s Westgate for dinner and the big game. D and I didn’t make the kiss cam this time (we did during our last hockey game with dad) because the camera guy was focused on all the adorable little kids dressed up for Halloween. Lots of fun – especially since the Coyotes won!

{our amazing seats – three rows from the glass}

{as dad would say, 90 minutes of action!}

{the sports guys talking strategy}

{the taco bell blimp! love that thing. it drops coupons. rad}

{i love these guys}

{team celebrating! coyotes win in overtime!}

{win! with 43 seconds left in OT}

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