our family’s version of a turkey trot.

just like last year (post here), we were up and at ’em for a Thanksgiving morning hike and walk around discovery lake. this year was just us kids (minus jess & jacob) since dad is still recovering from a recent shoulder surgery and mom stayed back to tend to him and all the turkey day fixings. i think matching track suits are in order for next year.

{the top of the trail}

{odie, my little brother steven & girlfriend heather}

{hunter was keeping an eye on things for us. he was super edgy and squealy that morning}

{discovery lake}

{danny’s face = not loving hunter going insane over other dogs}

{hunter leading the pack – obviously}

{miss jayden and i sporting a purple and black theme}

{huntie was beyond pooped}

{jayden still had tons of energy. “let’s run havie!”}

{we’re all quite certain he would have jumped in after them if we’d have let him}

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