a holly jolly christmas season.

it’s been such a fun and festive december. we’ve had a jam-packed holiday social calendar.
it totally feels like the holidays.
the month of december has already included…
“shopping local” & wine night with girlfriends.
john & ruben’s beautiful fireside christmas party.
downtown dinner party with friends.
girlfriend slumber party & pub crawl while danny was out of town.
erinn’s annual holiday balls bash.
& alicia’s dirty elephant gift exchange…
{nick sporting a santa hat & the ting in quite the festive outfit + antlers}
{all the elephant gifts ready for the picking!}
{alicia, the adorable hostess, kicking things off in a holiday hot chick apron}
{mikis loving his twilight fleece blanket}
{totally politically incorrect t-shirt}
{my gift – palm tree fawns turned into his & hers reindeer. it was hours before the party and i couldn’t figure out what to get (since danny wouldn’t let me buy the remote controlled shark blimp), so vicky gave me the idea to hand make these reindeer. apparently they were popular in the 1970’s & 80’s. b-joe found a couple palm fawns in the alley, we cleaned them up, blow-dried and baked them to get them dry before i started gluing.}

{surprisingly the trophy & baby blow-up vest weren’t being stolen}
{the gift ting brought – dust mop slippers}
{me modeling the reindeer with a friend}
{you can’t really see his ear muffs, but they’re there}
{my sweet ting stole these “three pig driveway markers” for me. yes, i actually wanted them.}
{angela & her nicoli}


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