a day on st. john island.

on day two of our vacation, we took a 15-minute ferry ride to the island of st. john. we were instantly in love with the feel of the island. st. john is not very developed (you can only get to the island via boat/ferry), the tiny little huts with locals selling fruits & tropical drinks, bars and restaurants right on the beach and some of the brightest teal water you can imagine. we spent the majority of our day at Trunk Bay, which is easily one of the most beautiful beaches i’ve ever been to (National Geographic agrees). the boys spotted an iguana (d was excited), we snorkeled and the guys saw a manta ray. we ended the day at Joe’s Rum Shack on the beach for $3 drinks until our ferry left.such a perfect day in paradise. i think we were all just trying to take it in… not only we were in such a beautiful place, but we were enjoying it with some of our favorite people. pretty awesome.

{on the 15-minute ferry ride from st. thomas}
{island clouds on the ferry ride}
{where there ferry dropped us off. picture perfect.}
{our amazing flaming open aired cab}
{take us to Trunk Bay… and an ATM!}
{trunk bay, st. john}
{crystal clear, warm water}
{that’s our little group pinching ourselves “are we all seriously here together?”}
{you can bring all your own food & drinks to any beach}
{the girls soaking up some sun while the boys snorkeled}
{the group moved… just another day in paradise}
{ting and his pina colada}
{our cab driver PUFF – in case you were wondering what his name was}
{could not be happier}
{watching the sunset from a little bar on st. john}
{bars and restaurants right on the water}
{to joe’s rumhut we go! $3 “you call it’s” until 7 p.m.}
{not a shabby view from the bar}


  • Reply January 27, 2012


    puff’s chain and tings teal shorts rock. can’t wait to hear all about it. it looks like a dream. and what great company. xo

  • Reply January 29, 2012

    Nicole Marie

    st. john was my favorite! we went there two different days. and went paddle boarding!! so my favorite island!

  • Reply January 31, 2012

    Teri B.

    i really need to try paddle boarding! looks fun. and i agree – st. john was my favorite of the few islands we spent time on.

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