starting a new chapter.

after more than nine weeks of not working, i headed back to the old nine-to-five routine this week.

i’ve had a wonderful sabbatical. i consider myself very lucky to have had the opportunity (thanks largely to the support and encouragement of my husband and family) to take time off from work to focus on myself and the things i wanted to do – every. single. day.

in the beginning i was a little unsure of what my days would look like and wondered if i’d get lonely, but that quickly subsided. i managed to stay super busy and cross so much off my list… i took new workout classes during the day, i skipped frozen microwave lunches and made big salads for lunch, i worked on this blog, i took a sewing class, i organized the entire house (the label maker def came out), i cleaned out my drawers, practiced my photography, started and completed craft projects, finished a few digital scrapbooks, spent many of my days hanging out at local coffee shops (i had always wondered what that would feel like), put a blanket in the backyard and read books in the sunshine in the middle of the day, took hunter for daily walks, met girlfriends for coffee, lunch & happy hours, and sometimes i was just plain lazy… the freedom was absolutely glorious and refreshing. it was unlike any feeling i’ve had as an adult. it took a little while to sink in that I got to decide what i was going to do with my days – not just two a week, but every single day. pretty awesome. it was similar to the feeling i had at 17, just after i’d moved away for college, and realized that i was in control of my life, schedule and choices. surreal. if you ever have the chance to take some time for yourself, i highly recommend it.

after exploring a few opportunities, i accepted a position at a marketing and communications agency in scottsdale and am getting back into the swing of things at an office. new co-workers, new clients, new challenges, new experiences, new routines. it’s gonna be good. change is good.



  • Reply February 24, 2012

    Nicole Marie

    isn’t it wonderful getting to take some time off.. and not just for vacation but at home… i love the few weeks i get off as a teacher

  • Reply February 27, 2012

    hilary Kobernik

    I love this… I’m contemplating leaving where I’m at and have similar fears.. but to be able to not “have to be somewhere” (especially when you hate it) and remember that I have control over my day would be such a nice change. Thanks for the encouraging post :)

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