music & mischief in the desert.

trying to put together a blog post for coachella is overwhelming. it’s too much goodness, too many photos and too many memories to try and cram into one internet page, so i stall. last weekend i’d start writing something but would get distracted and focus my energy on stalking social media channels to get a peek into coachella part deux and refreshing my favorite music blog for real-time updates. #obsessed.  
coachella 2012 was unlike any other. in fact, ting says it was his favorite year yet, which makes my heart happy! for me? i can’t lie – the weather forecast threw me for a huge loop (i really need to learn to deal better with things that are totally out of my control), but in the end it was the nutso weather that added to this weekend’s memories. never had coachella goers even thought about rain or wind and we were faced with both (and of course we did just fine). was it totally insane for us? yes. did we have to give up some of my favorite time lying in the grass in the sunshine? yup. was it freeeeeezing cold on friday and saturday night? yes. did some of the art have to come down? yes. but it all proved that nothing can dampen your spirit coachella once you step foot on the polo fields. the positive energy is undeniable. but i’ll tell you what, when the mercury hit 82° on sunday the vibe really came alive. 
i particularly love this LA Times article about the freaky weather. go tribe awesome! oh, and considering coachella weekend #2 temps hit 106°, i feel a little silly for fretting about our “chilly” 70°+ weather.
some notable coachella ’12 moments
thursday night arrival and making a fire at the house. huh? fire at coachella for warmth? yup. 
hilarious thursday evening and danny & colby’s “ting pong” moment gone bad. 
convincing ourselves on friday morning that it would be sunny, so we dressed in our shorts & tanks and got rained on during the bike ride to the festival. whoops. us girls refused to give up the outfits we’d planned for weeks (eh, months). 
colby showing up in her pancho.
the yellow balloon going craaazzzzyyy in the wind. 
aggressive amounts of onions, tomatoes, glowsticks & push pops. 
bumping into the other half of our coachella family in-line, day one. no effort. just fate. 
along with everyone else at the festival, running to our lockers the minute the sun would set (fri. & sat.) for outfit changes and warmth. it was quite the sight. fashion went out the window.
 the nextdoor neighbor at our house taking our photos each morning. she loves being a part of our  annual traditions.
colby, jenny and i all unintentionally wearing lace & flowers on sunday.
danny and i seeking shelter from friday’s wind under a giant wind chime sculpture – what are the chances? 
friendship bracelet making and exchanging.
jenny’s NOT jokes. 
liz, carlie & crew’s saturday night after party. amazingly fun. colby’s outfit that could have won awards. 
sharing a room with jenny – not my husband – and having the giggles until we fell asleep. 
everyone fascinated by the balloons. “can we touch your balloon?” no. “can we play with your balloon?” no. “can we dance with your balloon.” no. and the look on colby’s face when someone would ask, “can i pop your balloon?” 
the wall of a raving man during florence + the machine. 
sunday’s time in the beer garden. main stage tunes. good vibes.
the “pee” revelation. 
jenny bargaining with the balloon man. solid work.
mere’s “wait, are you kidding or serious?” stories. kidding.
waking up to electronica every. single. day. 
realizing that we’ve got the weekend down to a science. the lists. the routes. it’s easy peasy.
cutting our balloon lose on sunday night and watching her float above the polo fields. a magical moment.
unexpected sets that were amazing… feist and 21 musicians playing along with her. sbtrkt rocked the house. girl talk was an insanely fun sing-a-long dance party in the grass, andrew bird is hot and talented.
the rapture’s opening song gave me chills that’ll i remember forever.
photos are in total random order. no rhyme or reason. and i swear, i tried to be selective. there are hundreds more.
{one of the first snaps on the polo fields. windy but happy}
{never in my wildest dreams did i think we’d see skies like that at coachella}
{one of our coachella virgins and miss jenny}

{windy & chilly}

{absolutely love this photo. we couldn’t hold still long enough for a photo}

{someone gave colby their “sweat towel” to cover her chilly toes. another first}

{the ride into the fields on day three}

{view looking back from the main stage crowd}

{colbs feelin’ the groove at santigold}

{the best time of day}

{going crazy during girl talk}

{the usual hearty breakfast… eggs with lots of onions, tomatoes, turkey & cheese}

{the breakfast crowd at the breakfast bar}

{our home sweet indio home on the golf course for all these years}

{day one, about ready to ride to the fields, couldn’t be happier than at this moment}

{sweet offer. we rode right by each day and night}

{mark, ting & oliver}

{we’re IN and ready to do this}

{we had a little balloon malfunction on the ride, so colbs met us in line – with a pancho. there were seriously two drops of rain. love her.}

{the annual “back of the tent” photo. we’re missing one special lady, though} 

{carlie taking a shift holding the balloon in the 30 mph winds}

{aussies representing}

{the sahara tent… jake’s home away from home}

{coachella love}

{looking down on the polo fields from the ferris wheel. photo compliments of our aussie, mere}

{saturday night and we were better prepared for the cold. complete wardrobe changes}

{i absolutely love just sitting in the grass and taking it all in}
{all wearing as many layers as possible. friday night}

{black leather and ready for the sahara}

{only in the coachella campgrounds}

{ferris wheel views}

{pete – this one’s for you. i still can’t stop laughing. giggles until 5:30 a.m. colbs – love you.}

{swedish house mafia killing it on the mainstage on friday night}

{palm tree lined empire polo fields}

{sunrise view from our indio patio}

{the coachella snapdragon at night}

{welcome, alex. enjoy the ride.}
{dr. dre & snoop dog on sunday night. with eminem and 50 cent and tupac. i’m sure you’ve heard}

{right after we’d parked our bikes. realizing that hoodies may have been a better choice}

{so yeah. this was a huge joke, but for reals. we actually lit a fire at our home in indio on thursday night}

{alex on his way the first day… butterflies. and our beloved house.}

{the only time the green swirl saw the light of day}

{during our search for a set times book and hoodie, we spotted this postcard}

{coachella wouldn’t be the same without liz and carlie}

{just a tad bit windy – NOT}
{cruisers lined up at our after party. riding is the best.}

{body heat}

{so this is danny standing up on a hill looking down at us – cattle – exiting after the last set}

{sweet glowstick necklace, ting}

{day two and the sun is out!}

{saturday beer garden was alive with energy}

{love this snap. i imagine jenny is talking about her heart swelling as we walk down the slope}

{carlie gives amazing hugs. it’d only been a day since we’d seen each other}

{miss liz feelin’ like a bird}

{swaying to the sounds of andrew bird on the outdoor theater}

{jenny loving her some andrew bird}

{from daytime flower crowns to nighttime neon crowns}

{feist… and her 21 supporting musicians blew us all away}


{ting tong bringing the moves}

{closing down saturday night with kaskade. always some of the last to leave. imagine all those jackets in a pile on the ground… we danced around them}

{jenny’s amazing vintage pants for saturday night}

{saturday night post-festival we rode to liz & carlie’s casa for an after-party and yoga session}

{the indio heat we know and love came on sunday. jenny was soakin’ it all up – with champagne}

{coachella arm party}

{unintentionally all had lace looks on sunday}


{strapping the balloon to colbs, a daily routine. ting’s nerdy knots come in handy}
{the view from the mojave tent looking out}

{sunday… our coachella family}

{sunday tradition. daytime dancing barefoot in the grass}

{ting and his santigold}

{spotted! alicia and phoenix crew members}

{peace, love & coachella}

{the yellow balloons spotted in e-ray’s shades}

{the big old group poppin’ a squat in the main stage beer garden}

{i adore everything about this photo}

{we finally saw angela on sunday and we had our matching camera rings on, mine courtesy of ang}

{beer garden moment}

{carlie & mark stopping for some fitz & the trantrums}

{time to hit the do-lab, ladies}

{girls-only do lab dance party}

{i love this snap of colbs}

{this was a really cool art piece and it was like they new wind was coming. tons of chimes. ting and i stood under it during friday night’s heavy winds and just listened. amazing}

{dancin’ & singing along at girl talk}

{beautiful florence + the machine}

{avicii’s levels}

until next, year coachella. you’ll be in my dreams.
want more? last year’s coachella coverage here. they’re some of my favorites.


  • Reply April 24, 2012

    Jenny F.

    LOVE every SINGLE THING about this post.

  • Reply April 25, 2012

    Kristin Moon Thomson

    You guys are too much fun! How did you blow up Nicole’s balloons everyday? Did you rent a helium tank?

  • Reply April 26, 2012

    Erica Newton

    Great Great Great photos!!! So fun reliving coachella with you guys through this post! Looks like an amazing (but cold) year!! I can’t wait to hear more! Calling you tomorrow;)

    PS Love Ting’s Islanders hat! Haha.. go Mercer Island High!

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