take us out to the ballgame.

last saturday, the mister and me loaded on the sunscreen, grabbed a sheet, our lawn tickets and headed out to the last spring training game of the season at talking stick stadium. spring training games are an arizona must, and i think even super sports fans would agree they’re more a social than a sporting event. it’s pretty much grass, beer, hot dogs and sunshine. last year’s spring training game here.

after the game, our group journeyed its way into old town scottsdale and landed at el hefe, which was a fun change from our usual routine. that place really has a way of making you feel like you’re on spring break in vegas. the crowds, the scottsdale style, the dancing on tables and bars, the dance music… holy smokes. let’s just say my oversized floppy hat and flowly floral shorts did not fit in, but my dance battling made up for it :)

{dang… i was trying to snap a photo of the temperature, but i missed it. it was a cool 93 degrees}

{leslie, ting & rachel with her smile fan… it was toasty}

{yeah, i wish.}


{clearly after the 7th inning – the bar’s closed}

{and now…. we’re at el hefe}

{snagged an outdoor corner booth}

{steve was not amused by the DJ’s “levels” by avicii and other electro beats. i couldn’t get enough}

{the aforementioned dance battles}

{spring training tings}

{…and then leslie got on the bar with the awesome asian man who provided me with so much entertainment throughout the day}

{dance for me}

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