
in the midst of a move, we managed to celebrate mr. ting’s thirtieth and it was just fine for my mister.

leading up to june 16th, i had grandiose plans for d’s 30th – a trip to europe, a big backyard bash, a music festival, a camping trip, my list went on and on but each idea was quickly squashed by d. and looking back – thank goodness because i don’t know how we could have pulled it all off.
i’m a birthday girl. birthdays were a big deal when i was growing up. i love to celebrate and spoil the birthday girl or boy. danny, not so much. and i’m starting to realize he means it… it’s not just him saying he doesn’t want a big to-do, he really would rather just celebrate in a low key way.
so that’s what we did. after a long day of cleaning and unpacking the new house, danny threw on his new birthday kicks, i dug out jeans & a t-shirt (conveniently his favorite look for me) and we headed out to a cozy downtown spot for drinks and appetizers. we reminisced about his 20’s, talked about how goals and life wants/needs have changed and chatted about hopes for the future.
{i surprised ting with a fridge full of beer with custom birthday labels from Pinhole Press}

{little things to celebrate – in our new backyard}
{exhausted, but we’re going to celebrate damn it}

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