books by numbers.

i love to read.
both my parents are avid readers and i’m so glad they instilled that quality in me.
it’s a wonderful thing to get lost in a book.
to be able to entertain yourself for hours no matter where you are in the world.
i’m always leaning on other people for book recommendations,   
so here’s a breakdown of my summer 2012 reads…

#1. Princess “Life Behind the Veil” by Jean Sasson: Recommended to me by Jenny. A fascinating look into the life of a real Saudi Arabian princess. I found myself telling Danny about everything I was learning – he loved it, too. Note: This is the first book in a trilogy and there’s a good chance I’ll be reading the others. B+
#2. The Fifty Shades Series by EL James: There’s nothing more I can add to this that hasn’t already been said (and you officially live under a rock if you haven’t heard of this series). You’re not going to feel any smarter after you read these three books, but they were great vacation books. Unlike a lot of people, I preferred the second and third book over the first because there was actually a bit of a story line. Although, by the end your eyes to do glaze over the sexytime parts and if she said “inner goddess” one more time… C+
#3. Where We Belong by Emily Giffin: As I mentioned here, I’m a fan of Emily Giffin books. I’ve read them all and was excited to see a new one hit the shelves, but it was just okay for me. Took me a while to get into it and it was uber predictable. B-
#4. Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn: Recommended to me by Tiffany L. She warned me that it would take a few chapters to get into it, and it did, but after that – wow. This is the best book I’ve read in a long time. The writing is smart, quick and witty. The story line is fresh and there’s a nice big twist that keeps you wanting more. This was another book that Danny “followed along” with because I kept telling him about the twists and turns. I highly recommend. A

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