looking back at 2012.

{our last photo of 2012. just hours before the ball dropped}
all in all, 2012 was a damn good year with some significant milestones for us:
we finally sold our home
we moved downtown into a little tudor we adore. 
danny turned 30
we purged a ton of stuff & got super organized.
i advanced my career with the start of two new jobs (so weird).
we both hit health & wellness goals
i continued chronicling our memories via this blog.
we made new friends and strengthened existing relationships.
we made a decision to keep our phoenix zip code and really embraced our city.
we toasted 10 years together as d & t.  
here’s to hoping for an even better 2013 for us, our family & friends! 
i’ve got a good feeling about it.
new year’s posts from the past: last year here, NYE 2011 here & here.

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