repeat offenders :: st. thomas, virgin islands

when it comes to traveling, we’re not big repeat offenders. i’m a big believer that there are way too many places to see in this world to go back to the same spots over and over again. buuuutttt when some of your besties have access to an awesome pad on a tropical island, it’s hard to say no to an invite. so back to st. thomas we went this january (last year’s trip here).
sadly the group was only half – just us and the deweys this year – but we did it up right. we celebrated matt’s 30th and mixed old favorite traditions with new adventures & explorations.

we kicked off our first full-day by attempting to check out a “new” beach, but after arriving, we quickly made the decision to head to magen’s bay. it just can’t be beat.

ting’s first paddle board session.

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