sailing around the island of st. john on simplicity.

during our virgin island vacation, all four of us voted the day on “simplicity” our favorite.
we charted a sailboat to take us from st. thomas to the beaches of st. john.
our captains, charlie and josh, were awesome and they brought their dog hinkley along, too.
the full-day sail included homemade rum punch cocktails, island brews and a delicious chicken lunch.
we sailed, we swam up to private beaches including one “two butt beach” because it’s so small, the boys snorkeled. it was a perfect day on the water.
we highly recommend you check out simplicity if you’re in the islands. 
 our view of simplicity after swimming to “two butt beach” – st. john’s caneel beach to our left. this was one of those moments that jenny and i had to pinch ourselves. “are we seriously sitting here right now? together? it was so gorgeous and too perfect.” a view that photos just don’t do justice to.

me and ting on “two butt beach”
danny’s squid!

our sail ended in the red hook marina, so we explored the area and spent the rest of the night doing some bar hopping.


  • Reply January 30, 2013

    Jenny F.

    such a perfect day. loved reliving it through the pics.

    • Reply February 1, 2013

      Jenny, I loved, loved, loved your bathing suit! Great choice. Everything about this day looks amazing. Great photo re-cap, T.

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