pizza pit stop.

“what are you doing in four hours?” said my older brother through the phone on sunday.

my san diego based brother & family were on an eastern bound road trip and swung into phoenix to say hi, give hugs and grab a slice of pizza before getting back on the road.

it’s like he knew i’ve been missing the family lately.

IMG_2447P1140856miss jayden. a first grader who loves animals & wants to be a vet.P1140894checking out the scarf i tied into her hair.P1140892jacob, the teenager. the smart, loving & insightful boy who’s a freshman in high schoolP1140878my widdle jakey wakey.  P1140875patient little hunter getting his makeup done by jayden. P1140865and then, his “after” shots. photo by jayden. it makes me smile.P1140864P1140853P1140861P1140888

when you’re separated by state lines, you cherish the time you can get with family.
even if it’s 90 minutes.

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