i’ve got blogging in my blood.

a couple of weeks ago, i hit blog entry #1,000. surreal to think, i’ve hit “publish” more than one-thousand times. when i look back at the evolution of my little corner of the internet, some posts make me cringe but the majority make me smile. i’m glad that i’ve documented the past few years of our life and can’t imagine i’ll ever regret it.

in fact, because of my dad, i know i never will. during my last visit with my dad, he handed me a binder full of my childhood “poems.” that’s when i realized that my dad was the original blogger. long before the term was invited, my dad did exactly what i am doing. well, kinda. he used a paper and pen.

from age 0 – 18, my dad kept track of my each year’s major milestones and then would neatly (and creatively) compile them all into my annual birthday poem. before i’d blow out the candles each year, my dad would read the poem to me and then we’d all eat cake. he kept a little pad on his dresser and would make notes – first words, school projects, girly moments, athletic accomplishments, family vacations, awkward growing pains, family milestones and then would handwrite a multi-page poem that ultimately my mom would re-type on the typewriter.

P1150326P1150324P1150322<some excerpts from my poems>


at the ripe age of 30, i finally truly appreciate these poems. now that college seems far away and childhood memories have begun to fade, i realize how insanely fortunate i am to have the ability to look back on my life. a tangible documentation of my roots. danny and i were reading through them the other night and it was pretty special.


for father’s day, i sent my dad a book called: My Dad, His. Stories. His Words.

it was time that he write about himself verses me. we’ve all heard our parent’s stories, but like our own, so many fade. this book is a series of questions about life for dad to answer – in his words, his handwriting. everything from favorite music as a teen, first loves, biggest regrets and best advice ever received.

for my 30th birthday, my dad sent the book back to me – completely filled out. since then, i’ve slowly read the book a bit by bit since i get pretty emotional each time i pick it up. without a doubt, this book will be something i cherish forever.

you can buy it here. there are subsequent versions for other members of the family. i’m starting a collection.

P1150701gift for dad


  • Reply November 12, 2013


    This is such a beautiful idea! Thanks for sharing. It will be tucked in my dad’s stocking this year. That book of poems is beyond sweet. xo

  • Reply November 13, 2013

    Erica Newton

    awww, i love this post. I read each of your dads poems that you put up there. How fun that he did that. I have no doubt you will carry on that tradition. You already have.

  • Reply November 25, 2013

    gina hardt

    Hi Terri- I stumbled on your blog today and saw this wonderful book and I’ve been wanting to find something like it. Thank you so much for sharing. I don’t get to read your blog very often but when I get a chance it’s great. Love to see what you and my cousin are up to. Looks like you guys are going on a great adventure. What a wonderful thing to do before you start a family. Have safe travels and I’ll have to check up on you guys more often to see where you’re at. It might be something fun for the kids to follow. Carson was asking me what a blog was so I showed him yours. I’ll bring him to the blog once in awhile so he can see your reports on your trip. Have a great time and say hi to Dan.

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