the sights from day one: bangkok, thailand.

day one was a major, sensory overload, success. we left the house without a map or a plan and had a mellow day in bangkok, thailand. the weather couldn’t be better. it’s peak season which means prime temps in the high 80’s with very low humidity, making exploration enjoyable. our first day and we already traveled by: foot, BTS railway, boat and tuk tuk. p.s. it’s 3:30am Bangkok time as i type – happy jet lag!

a day in bangkok, thailand  a day in bangkok, thailand
street vendors washing dishes in the street before the next round of customers.
a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand
“soi dogs” (“soi” – pronounced “soy” means “side street”) and the locals pitch in to care for the dogs.
a day in bangkok, thailand
cruising up river.a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand
a day in bangkok, thailanda day in bangkok, thailandmandatory shoes off for entering the templea day in bangkok, thailandand lovely neon green “loner” robe since my arms weren’t covered. a day in bangkok, thailandthe 46-meter-long reclining golden buddah at Wat Pho, one of the oldest, largest & most significant temples in Bangkok. a day in bangkok, thailand
the reclined position represents buddah going into a final phase of nirvana.   a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand
outside the walls of the royal palace. and that’s as close as we got. we’re officially the worst tourists. a day in bangkok, thailand a day in bangkok, thailand
anxiously awaiting our first street vendor meal. pork fried rice & garlic friend chicken. a day in bangkok, thailand
this is the stand and the lady making our curb-side meal.

a day in bangkok, thailand
mr. slice is turning into mr. coca-cola. the spices were burning our noses just during the wait. P1160471a day in bangkok, thailandfollowed up our meal with a bag of fresh fruit.    P1160474
compliments of this guy. P1160475 P1160480 P1160481 P1160484 P1160487 P1160488 P1160495 P1160496
school kids everywhere are dressed identically. down to the hairstyle – double braids with ribbons for the girls.P1160505
fresh food everywhere you look.P1160507
probably danny’s favorite time – we were looking for the flower market and wound up in the “back of house” where the vendors prepare everything. it was crazy nuts to see loads of produce and goods being prepared and sorted. i’m talking like trash bags filled with carrot shavings that the lady was working on. P1160512 P1160514
we finally smelled our way to the flower market.P1160522 P1160523
a traditional “tuk tuk” ride – a motorized cart of sorts.P1160526 P1160527
our first tuk tuk ride at the end of the day. we were lost and ready to get off our feet.P1160528

after we took the BTS (bangkok transit system) railway back to our neighborhood, we were talking to get a beer and saw a crowded “thai massage” place. i looked at danny and said, “we’ve gotta do that sometime” to which he replied… why not now?

so we circled back and popped in for an hour-long foot + neck & shoulders thai massage for 250BHAT (about $9). it was the perfect way to relax after a long day of exploration.


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