where we’ll be for the rest of the month.



and india has made us work for our visit.

getting an indian visa is no joke.
after re-arranging our travel plans to quickly get to the capital of laos to start the process, then our tuk tuk getting lost for an hour on the way to the Indian Embassy in Vientiane for a crazy, adrenaline pumping, in-person application process, preparing and photocopying documentation up the wahzoo and multiple phone calls and emails to the Laos & US Indian Mission & Embassy
– we’re on our way!
it was a pretty intense process and we’ve been on pins and needles all week waiting to hear if we’d receive our visa in time for today’s flight to delhi.
and we did – with just hours to spare.
our journey will take us from laos – thailand – india in a single day.

{right after we pulled away from the embassy with our visas! high fives even with the tuk tuk driver!}


they say india is tough to travel and i guess we’re already feeling it.
that being said, we’re so excited to spend february in india.
i think we’re collectively most excited about this particular country.
we were overwhelmed at first, but after more research and chatting with other travelers, it quickly rose to the top of our list.
without a doubt, it’ll be the biggest adventure and most out-of-our-comfort-zone trip of our lives.

our india itinerary

sam sand dunes

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