reading on the road.

vacation books

in addition to fun stuff, we’re reading notable novels that take place in the countries we’re visiting.
it’s a great way to learn about a country’s history, culture, phrases & things we may not otherwise.
plus, how much more fun is reading a book when you can visual the places and people it references?

01. The Beach – Made famous by Leonardo DiCaprio, The Beach opens in Bangkok, Thailand and takes a backpacker on an adventure through the Thai Islands. We both read this while we were in Thailand and really enjoyed it.

02. The Husband’s Secret – A recommendation from a girlfriend, I really enjoyed this chic-lit novel. As a person who struggles with dwelling and “what if’s,” I loved how the author provided readers with a look at the things her characters will forever (and totally unnecessarily) fret about.

03. Shantaram – My giant India read. At 1,000+ pages, this book is no small feat, but it’s a must-read if you’re planning to visit India (and even if you’re not). I started this at the tail end of our Laos trip and finished on the overnight train in India. Inspired by real-life events of the author, this novel starts with a convicted bank robber escaping from an Australian prison and fleeing to Mumbai, India where the story really begins. This book is filled with vivid characters, life lessons and quotes that will stay with you forever. Thank you, Lisa & Eric for the recommendation!

04. Stupid & Contagious – A laugh out loud chick-lit read that’s relevant and quick. The perfect beach book for 20/30-somethings. I think I read half the book to Danny because some of it was just that funny and true. Thanks, Tiff L.!

05. Dark Places – Like the rest of the world, I devoured Gone Girl so I was pretty pumped for Dark Places. But for me, the book fell flat. It had an interesting story line and twist at the end, but I couldn’t stand the main character. So yeah, take it or leave it.

06. Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? If you don’t like Mindy Kaling, this probably isn’t for you. But if you adore her like I do, then you’ll enjoy hearing her voice come through as you read her thoughts on life and love. I enjoyed it.


next batch of books coming up soon.
and i’d love any recommendations. always looking for good reads.


  • Reply March 25, 2014


    oh some good ones to add to my list. i’m currently reading cartwheel and really enjoying it. haven’t finished yet but I think you will like. also started me before you (only on chapter 3) but enjoying so far. also loved where’d you go Bernadette. quick, fun and easy read. miss you!!!

  • Reply March 26, 2014


    thanks, pete! i’ll be adding those to the kindle wish list now! xx

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