endurance traveling: it takes two.

it’s time for a shoutout to this guy
|island life danny bockting
(i think my favorite photo of him from this trip. never ever before so cool, relaxed, mellow or sexy)

Early into this backpacking trip, I realized something. While this whole crazy “let’s take a year six months off and buy a one-way ticket to asia” thing may have been my idea, it’s Danny who supported it and made it a reality. I may be the wild lighter fluid who sparks things, but D is who keeps things burning.

For real.

Sure, I may have a better handle on itineraries, our route and things not-to-miss, but D’s the backbone. Sometimes I feel like I just get to focus on the fun ride while he quietly handles all the other stuff.

He’s the man who…

: Understands how hard it is for a woman to wear the same thing for months on end and therefore has surrendered his backpack to carrying all “shared items” so that I can devote my bag to new clothing and accessory purchases along the way.

: Handles all the money & finances. I haven’t been to an ATM or dealt with currency exchange once.

: Despite being very financially-minded has never once gotten flustered over spending, budgets or high prices for inevitable last minute plane tickets or hotel rooms. it’s always, “you win some, you lose some. not a big deal.”

: Seems to always know where we are within minutes. Each new city, we’re wandering around like we’ve lived there for years. I’m always totally lost and he just leads the way.

: Makes sure I’m fully protected from the sun and pesky mosquitos – every day. I always forget.

: Knows when we need to splurge on a nice hotel, meal or treat – without me asking.

: Figures out the wonky bath nozzles and gets my showers set-up to the perfect temp.

: Never loses his cool (well, except maybe once at the “holy lake” in India but let’s just call that a wash). But for real, as much as it bugs me sometimes, he never complains or gets frustrated. Even on the Futa. 

: Charms all the women and befriends all the men in the most sincere way.

: Will notice me getting irritable (hungry) and all of a sudden suggest that he needs a snack and maybe we should stop and get something. I always roll my eyes but take the bait (and food).

: Handles motorbike rentals, fitting helmets and cruising us around each new country while I sit on the back and enjoy the ride.

: Always lifts my pack into the overhead bin & carries it up crazy flights of stairs for me since elevators don’t exist in Asia (all despite his personal policy that if you can’t carry it, you shouldn’t pack it).

: Deals with the hawkers, cab ride negotiations and other uncomfortable situations while I usually walk away and pretend to snap photos.

: Handles all of our safety precautions – locking doors, passports & electronics.

: Checks us in and out of every hotel – always the one to “settle up” at the front desk.

: Constantly clasps my bracelets for me and untangles my necklace from my headphones without complaining despite these being his least favorite types of tasks in the world.

: Jokingly will say, “hey – is that new? You look great in that!” about the dress/outfit he’s seen me in it about 780 times already.

: Will order me a glass of wine even though it’s crazy expensive compared to the 50-cent draft beers.

: Always runs to the local market to get waters, beers and other supplies for our room. I chill out.

: Knows when I’m having a hair meltdown and will convincingly compliment just about any new hair style I try.

: Manages our life back home – tax season, renters, bills & insurance – without me realizing it until I creep around in his email.

: Who gives me the good seat on the bus.

: Sleeps with one eye open on the overnight trains – not wearing earplugs or a mask while I knock myself out.

: Calms me down when I get stressed out about plans, itineraries and costs and reminds me that’s not what this is about… and then I breathe again.

Love you, D.
Thanks for being the best travel partner* on this wild ride.
*pretty much taking care of everything


  • Reply April 24, 2014

    Erica Newton

    Aww what a good man! You two compliment each other so well and make great travel team.

  • Reply April 26, 2014


    I am so impressed with the two of you. Elaine

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