japanese comfort food: okonomiyaki

 okonomiyaki is called “japanese pizza” or “japanese pancakes”
and it’s officially one of my new favorite hearty meals.
(“yaki” means “what you like/want” – why lots of customizable menu items end that way)

okonomiyaki hails from osaka (seen here), so we turned to the internet to find one of the city’s most popular spots for our first taste.
thanks to CNN and a slew of other sites, we landed at the 65-year-old family run restaurant Mizuno.
after a 20 minute wait, we were sat at the bar where we had our own “private” chef
whipping up these delicious concoctions that you eat right off the griddle.

where to get okonomiyaki in osaka
while waiting in line, you review the menu and place your order. by the time you sit down, your food is cooking.
where to get okonomiyaki in osaka
us waiting in the inside queue and eyeing all the different okonomiyaki varieties
where to get okonomiyaki in osaka
primo seats. worth the wait.
where to get okonomiyaki in osaka where to get okonomiyaki in osaka
i realize this isn’t the most appetizing photo, but you’ve gotta trust me this was delicious.
where to get okonomiyaki in osaka
now my stomach is growling.

coincidently i just happened to see that a downtown phoenix japanese restaurant – Nobu at Teeter House – serves this speciality.
who’s up for an okonomiyaki night with me?

loved okonomiyaki. d like okonomiyaki.

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