a good story from far far away.

zooming way out blog

we’ve stayed in touch with the fellow travelers we met during our two day cruise down the mekong river in laos. lisa and eric are on a year+ adventure around the world (insanely jealous). and a few weeks ago, i sent an email to check in since lisa’s instagram had gone radio silent.

a few days later i got an email that they’d made a rookie mistake and left their small backpack in the back of a shuttle van in indonesia – and didn’t realize it until it was too late. “it’s just stuff” would be the normal response, but this wasn’t just stuff. that backpack held their laptop, external hard drive, every photo/video taken since they left home 9+ months ago, camera, iPod, iPad, travel journal and all lisa’s precious travel jewelry.


reading the email gave me goosebumps. it was my worst nightmare come true. i couldn’t even fathom what she felt like. it was clear she was (trying) to be brave, to let it go and accept the memories she’d forever keep in her head. gracefully move on and focus on the fact that they still had their health and life would go on.

soon after she posted the awful news on her instagram account, a social web of people from around the world jumped in to see if they could connect her to someone who they knew who knew someone in indonesia who maybe could help.

three weeks later lisa posted this:
I BELIEVE!!!! In the goodness of humanity, in the kindness of strangers, in karma, that good things happen to good people, in the honesty of the Indonesian people, in trusting your gut, in letting go, in determination and persistence, and that everything happens for a reason. Laptop, iPad, iPod, and most importantly hardrive with photos, all back in our possession thanks to a cast of characters across multiple islands and continents that could make up a Hunter S Thompson novel. Todd you are the man for introducing us to the “Fixer of Kupang”. Still can’t believe it! So so grateful. Bintangs and Beng Bengs for everyone! Woot!!!!

i welled up with tears because i was so excited for her.
and for all of us. because it’s another example that people. are. good.
you’ve gotta believe it.
more random acts of karma here.

check out lisa & eric’s journey via zoomingwayout.com or instagram @ltothek


  • Reply July 28, 2014

    Angela Menninger

    I love Indonesians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously though. Yes, I only had a two week encounter with these people, but seriously, I love them. It was obvious the second toes touched the Denpasar airport that I knew these people ruled. What an amazing story! Thanks for reminding us people are good. :)

  • Reply July 31, 2014


    Just saw this checking your site for Kyoto tips. You are the sweetest! I’m still still in awe to be the receiver of such an enormous gift of kindness – and backing my photos up obsessively. Yay humanity! Need to get to blogging now that I have my tech life back on track and tell the whole story -its a roller coaster ride packed full with a cast of crazy characters! xx

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