didn’t pick up the camera, but these 30 iPhone snaps tell the story of our first month back in az.
thirty happenings in no particular order…
1. learned that b-joe knows gin (our travel game), so we played cards on the porch of the new cabin.
2. indulged in food cravings. in & out for the win.
3. lots of crying (i’m better now :))
4. brainstorming names for lacey jaye’s new frenchie puppy. already love that chunk!
5. danny the bee exterminator. beer + ski layers = sting protection.
6. celebrating with a friend as she blows out another candle.
7. grilled meats cook-off with the family. buying huntie’s love with licks of a bone.
8. preparing for the arrival of #sweetcocobean.
9. showering angela & baby with lots of love and loot.
10. apparently i forgot how to boil an egg. it exploded.
11. drinks after danny’s first day on the job in 2014.
12. mr. pouty the day after his vaccination booster shots.
13. hair appointment! new look = grown out bangs, middle part, more natural color & shorter cut.
14. forced to go to costco. multiple times. bleh bleh bleh.
15. making fresh salads for lunch. something i missed so much in asia.
16. my attempt at recreating the brazilian caipirinha i fell in love with while poolside in bali.
17. we welcomed “pat” the prius into our family. yes, like SNL’s gender confused pat.
18. danny was a human jungle gym for a bunch of other people’s children.
19. lots of dates with rachel & alicia for quality catch up time.
20. i went a little nuts at the nursery on new houseplants to freshen up the casa.
21. wine, swimming & more wine with steph on a hot summer friday afternoon.
22. walks in the woods & enjoying the new bockting mountain cabin.
23. happy magical birthday, weeze! may the laughter never stop.
24. d showing grandma peggy photos & videos from our adventure.
25. getting in lots of QT & shenanigans with miss shannon.
26. danny’s homemade all ‘merican meal: chicago dogs, mac & cheese + whiskey
27. when in arizona you indulge in too much mexican food. this feast was for four.
28. frozen yogurt is the only way to cool down from the inside out on a 112º day
29. lots of lazy couch time with this guy watching the world cup + our DVR list.
30. happy hours & inappropriate gifts with mikis and co.
home sweet home.