pico iyer helps me articulate home.

it’s no secret that i had an adjustment period upon our return last year.
it was really hard for me to explain how i felt.
to say i was sad being back home with friends & family made me sound like a total asshole,
and sad wasn’t the right word. so in general i just tried to avoid the conversation.

then a couple months ago i was watching Ted Talks and came across Pico Iyer: “Where Is Home.”
i watched it twice, back-to-back and frantically scribbled quotes.
i finally felt like i had adequate words to describe my indifference to “home.”

pico iyer quote about travel

beyond the trip, i’m one of the millions who’s created a new “home.”
we’re a generation on the move.
i’ve been in arizona for 14 years. almost as long as the first 17 years of my life i spent in california.
i’ve always told danny that “we’re writing our history” — right now.
that every decision, move & risk is another chapter in our book of life.
…and i love a good page turner.

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