zipping into 2016!

miss canopy zip line tour
we did the thing you’re supposed to do in costa rica: ZIP LINING! 

we went through Miss Sky Canopy Tour outside of Nosara which is the longest zip line course in the world – by more than 50%.

it was a pretty big activity for us because not many people realize that danny’s afraid of heights. all morning, i could feel his nerves kicking in as we approached the first of thirteen cables. he was trying to be discreet, but i caught him continually checking his equipment and making sure everything looked nice and tight, and then constantly asking me if i checked my gear.

miss canopy zip line tourthis sign really helped ease his nerves: in red spray paint on the first line it says, “No Way Back!” which is true, you’ve gotta complete all 13.

miss canopy zip line tourbut after the first few, he was off to the races.

zip line costa ricaboom! an olympic zip liner is born! 
DCIM100GOPRO where to zip line in costa ricawe ended the day with a couple tandem rides which was a total blast.
where to zip line in costa ricaflying through the jungle – together.
zip lining in costa rica

as another year comes to an end and i’ve had plenty of time to sit and reflect. i can’t tell you how lucky i am to be zipping through life with danny as my partner. like everyone on this planet, we’re faced with our own variety of challenges and obstacles, but danny’s outlook on life, love and what it means to be a modern gentleman always gets us through. plus, i’m convinced it’s his stockpile of good karma points that keeps us going when we hit a bump. this guy constantly goes out of his way to help others, the examples–both big and small–are plentiful.

on NYE we sat on the beach and talked about 2015.
what we accomplished, what we were proud of, what we’re glad is in the rearview mirror.
we pulled out the goals we wrote down on new year’s day 2015 and saw how we did.
there was a lot that happened. more than you can realize when you’re in the throes of it.
it’s worth the time to sit and reflect on the good, the bad and the ugly.
overall, we’re ready to close the 2015 chapter. adios. smell ya.
and just like always, we look forward to what 2016 will hold.

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