local bars & restaurants

harumi sushi phoenix

eating sushi with mr. shellfish allergy.

haven’t you heard yet? danny “developed a shellfish allergy” while in asia. and according to mr. research, “it is very common for adults to…

clever koi phoenix

craving a night in asia.

we haven’t had much asian food since being home, but the other night we needed ramen and we needed it now. we landed at the…

cafe at phoenix public market

farewell, friends.

on sunday, dec. 22 friends of ours rallied together for afternoon cocktails at the Vig followed by dinner at the Cafe (our regular staples…

the gladly phoenix

doubling dan at the gladly.

while sir dan was in town for his monthly work trip to phoenix, we decided to give the biltmore’s newest restaurant a whirl. the…

pizzeria bianco phoenix

a night at the famous pizzeria bianco.

our collegiate amigo and fellow phoenician, mr. scott coffey, has seized an opportunity to move back to his home state of colorado. of course…

welcome diner phoenix

downtown’s funky welcome diner.

we decided to mix up sunday pizza for burgers & ventured to downtown’s welcome diner. it’s just that: a diner. retro with a few…

because everyone loves puppies.

it’s true. puppies are irrisistable attention hogs. they’re kinda like babies when babies aren’t around. and since none of this crew has babies, we…

ethnic fare for four.

after happy hour, nick, angela, d & i decided on indian food for dinner. tempe has a ton of ethnic options – indian, thai,…

the vig uptown

linner is the new brunch.

just you watch. it’s gonna be the next big thing. i’m a big fan of linner (super late lunch). it just needs a cooler…

sunday pizza in the neighborhood.

there’s no denying it: we eat pizza 3 out of 4 sunday nights a month. it’s kinda a thing. (more about sunday traditions here). judge…

winner winner wine for dinner.

what’s better than a generous postino pour after a long day of work you ask? a generous pour por gratis. that’s right. i unrolled my…

danny turns thirty one.

packages! lots of shirts this year. and a new tie clip. hunter was really interested in the oatmeal creame pies that came in vicky…

cheers to daddio b-joe at richardsons.

we celebrated b-joe’s father’s day dinner a week early, and the timing ended up working out perfectly. danny’s promotion landed the day before, so…

a tradition + a toast.

danny and i have a long-standing tradition when either one of us has a work review or big career move. as hard as it…

phoenix public market & cafe.

about this time last year, the downtown phoenix market and wine bar closed. they continued to host the outdoor farmer’s market & food trucks…

a chilly saturday afternoon in phoenix.

husband.   wife. ^^^^^ saturday lunch at the main ingredient (danny’s favorite spot) before an afternoon flick. we saw “This is 40” and really enjoyed…

oh the PASTAbilities!

said the tings one recent saturday night at the old spaghetti factory. that’s right, folks. the OSF. and you know what? it was delicious…

the world’s smallest lobster roll.

before attending a charity fundraiser event last saturday night (Scottsdale 20/30’s NiteFlite), we tried out a new restaurant in scottsdale, “the house,” an old…

bike ride to matt’s big breakfast.

on saturday morning danny got an intense craving for “a traditional breakfast with hash browns.” not potatoes — hash browns. okaaayyy. so we jumped…

belated mother’s day celebration.

last sunday we got the fam together to celebrate the phoenix moms postino style. a sunday brunch with plenty of bruchetta, beer, wine, sangria…

pizza date night at the parlor.

for some reason our happy hours at The Parlor always turn into multi-hour dinners (as also seen here). we totally get sucked into the cozy…

five hours at the (pizza) parlor.

you read that right folks. we went to The Parlor for “a drink” after work and five hours later decided it was probably time…

scottsdale date night at The Saguaro.

we recently gave Scottsdale’s newest hotel, The Saguaro, a whirl. for you locals, The Saguaro was formerly The James Hotel turned The Mondrian turned…

dark & woody.

last weekend we cruised to The Little Woody for last minute cocktails & jenga with friends. well, technically we played “wobbly blocks” – apparently…

a sassy saturday with steph.

my girlfriend stephanie and i spent saturday afternoon lunching & craft shopping. she needed fabric for her daughter’s upcoming 2nd birthday party so we…

drinks with dewey at sportsmans.

matt was recently in phoenix for his annual family visit and we managed to steal him for a couple beers at our neighborhood sportsmans. these…

it’s a date – cibo pizzeria

last friday was a good day. a real good day that turned into an even more super night. we started with drinks at the vig,…

a new menu in the ‘hood – north arcadia

we love our neighborhood. we can’t imagine living anywhere else in the valley. it’s one of the more “urban” areas in phoenix simply meaning that we…

sometimes you have to splurge.

and this weekend that meant a trip to red robin for a bottomless basket of steak fries and a whiskey river bbq burger. yuuuuuum….

LGO pizza & games with the boys.

on friday afternoon my dad, little brother and odie (steven’s pup) pulled into phoenix for a weekend visit. we kicked things off with pizza,…

postino half pint night cap.

there were a million things we should have been doing tonight… picking up the house, running errands, doing laundry, packing for the weekend, preparing…

danny does meat at delux.

well, folks. he did it. ting dominated his 30-day vegetarian challenge. he took it very seriously – in fact, when one of my recipes called…

spontaneous happy hours are the best.

even if they’re less than forty five minutes because we both have other things scheduled for the night. {the main ingredient ale house in…

bar seats are the best.

on tuesday afternoon an outlook calendar invite from danny popped up: Postino at 7pm. accept! we hadn’t been to postino together in months which…

greek freak.

lately i’ve been craving greek food – a lot. perhaps its the heat, but all i’ve wanted are greek meals. here are two recipes that have…

ZINful burgers with the bfg.

My BFF’s fiance Jake is in Phoenix for work. Earlier this week, Danny, Jake and Alex had a boy’s night at the old George &…

double the digits. double the fun.

Tonight, a big ‘ole group of us are celebrating Aunt Chilada’s birthday at eh, Aunt Chiladas. Yup, many of you know I call my…

happy hour at hula’s modern tiki.

This week we toasted a friend’s birthday at Hula’s, an urban, mid-century modern blend of the classic tiki bars from the 50’s and 60’s. It’s…

grand opening of el hefe.

Friends of ours, Rachel & Mikis, are opening a new restaurant in Scottsdale called El Hefe. We were invited to be a part of the sneak…

awesome art at SideBar.

We have really talented people in our lives. I love it. I’m constantly inspired by our friends. One of those creative friends, Ben Bonnan, hosted his first art show…

two hours with tiff.

Over the years, I’ve been lucky that Phoenix is a frequent stop for a few of my travel-for-work girlfriends. Tiff called a couple days ago*…

the merriest bar of them all.

A classic dive bar, The Coach House, is a Scottsdale staple – especially during the holidays. The Christmas decor is over-the-top tacky in the…

postino for two.

Saturday night we were craving something easy and cozy so we ended up in our favorite bar seats at Postino (shocking, right?). We added…

overdue date night.

It’s been a busy past couple weeks with work and home stuff plus we’ve had “roommates”… my in-laws, Vicky & Joe, were staying with…

burgers & beer with jesus.

After Sunday brunch with the girls, I came home to find Danny and Alex having beers on our back patio – so I joined them….

brunch, baby.

If there are two words that go absolutely perfectly together, they are sunday and brunch. I spent Sunday afternoon catching up with Rachel, Kristina, Stephanie…

november’s first friday.

Danny suggested we take advantage of the nice weather and spend date night downtown at First Fridays, a monthly arts and music walk in…

walk + wine.

You can’t beat Arizona weather right now. Last night we walked to our neighborhood Postino for wine and bruchetta at the bar. The air…

the rouge goes downtown to the duce.

Last night a group of us went to The Duce in downtown Phoenix. It. Was. Fantastic. An old 1928 brick warehouse, the space is all indoor/outdoor,…

willo watering hole – sidebar.

There’s a great little bar near my downtown office. It’s called Sidebar and it’s the perfect neighborhood watering hole. A group of us grabbed a…

dinner + movie.

friday night’s date night was a good old fashioned dinner + movie.   Dinner at Blanco Gallo a downtown restaurant we’ve been meaning to try…

first lunch of october.

Just one more thing to add to my “TG” list this week… an impromptu lunch with my husband at a cool downtown spot – The…

get your yelp on!

Do you Yelp? If you don’t, you should. Yelp is a fabulous & free online review source for just about anything. Looking for a…

modern date at modern steak.

After much deliberation last Friday, we ended up doing date night at Modern Steak. In Arizona, Sam Fox is a restaurant God. He’s know for fab concepts with cool…


Today was the perfect blend. The day started with running Syd to the vet to repair a ripped stitch (they put her in this hilarious…

sweet surprises.

I got the sweetest surprise today. Danny called out of the blue to see if I wanted to grab lunch (we very rarely have lunch…