festive les’ birthday at searsucker scottsdale.

almost a month ago (shame on me for the lag time), we celebrated miss leslie’s “festive les” birthday at scottsdale’s newest restaurant, searsucker. a san diego favorite, scottsdale has welcome searsucker with open arms. the owner has a handful of concepts and i love how their names are all textiles: searsucker, herringbone, burlap, gingham and gabardine. i haven’t been to the others, but i have such a clear vision on how they should look based on their name. aren’t those great names? if you’re looking for a fun vibe this weekend, give it a try. even if just for a drink and app.
we reserved a long table right by the bar and DJ booth where the ting’s fave local DJ (Shawn Watson) was spinning. our group ordered bunches and bunches of small plates to share which included “cowboy caviar” aka rocky mountain oysters. um, yeah. a bunch of us girls dug in without asking first what we were eating. chewy. bleh.
all in all, it was a fun and festive night celebrating the one and only les.
the night ended in a way only festive les’ birthday would…
wild and crazy golf cart rides, vip booths and shots.

1 Comment

  • Reply December 20, 2012


    awhh teri, my dear… love this! thank you for being a part of my bday! you are a special friend and i heart our budding friendship! you are SO talented and i love your blog! merry christmas and i hope to see A LOT more of you in the new year. cheers! xoxo

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