the first annual gobble wobble.

danny, tricia & i did our first annual day-after-thanksgiving gobble wobble, an 8-mile hike through Tucson’s Sabino Canyon. look at that picture – it was an absolutely gorgeous day in the canyon. beyond the scenery, it was so great to spend three uninterrupted hours together chatting about life, love and family. it’s a tradition i hope we keep.
off into the canyon we go.
saguaros everywhere
it’s not nice to point, mr. cactus.

danny the desert kid. him & tricia are full of desert knowledge. animals. plants. all the 411.
 we made it to the top!
proof i made it – had to touch the palo verde plant at the top.
arizona’s version of fall colors in the desert canyon.
do you see the brother & sister ants marching along?
very extreme signage.
me and the thousands of cacti.
totally strange and awesome – we saw a deer and her baby crossing the trail!
i was on a quest for the biggest saguaro i could find… this one is pretty good.
desert beauty.
the self-pay was full when we pulled up. so after our hike, we searched for someone to give our $5 parking fee to. we ended up in the visitor’s center and they were so grateful and surprised that we went out of our way to pay post hike, they gave us a parking pass for a future trip! it pays to be honest.
and to all you phi’s out there – how random is this? during our hike, the three of us were trying to get a photo together for danny’s Instagram (@dancendan), but it was not working so i finally asked a woman who was approaching if she’d mind taking our photo. as she got closer and i wasn’t being blinded by the sun, we did a “teri?” “cindy?” — it was cindy nock and her adorable little family walking through the canyon. she happily took our picture. (cindy and i were in the same sorority at the University of Arizona). super small world.

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