hello, little olivia. nice to meet you. xo, your aunties

last weekend me, tiffany, jenny and colby flew to dallas to see carlye and meet olivia. when i touched down in dallas i was really sad to find an empty carseat in the car. little livi was at home napping while us girls headed to lunch. i couldn’t wait to meet her – none of us could. your dearest friends having children is something indescribable. it’s surreal, but so special. the love each of us “aunties” feel for these new babes is so strong. 
we spent our first nights and days in dallas smooching on livi, giving big (furry) brother dozer the attention he’s craving, eating rounds of fried chicken sliders at Max’s Wine Dive, and afterwards crashing in an adult slumber-party style sleeping arrangement. it was our own version of “chicken soup for the soul” — the fried variety. 

the little babe loves her bath time.

me with olivia.

dozer the hound doing some posing.
wine night.

auntie pete. and her gorgeous long locks. 
the mann family

something said often that night with both food & drink: “we’ll have another round” 

livi’s gear, sophie and her new shades from aunt jenny.

dover has totally perfected the front paw pose.

dinner out at max’s wine dive in uptown.

dozer doing anything to get some attention. um, mom? your instagrams used to be me! :(

hi doze.

when livi is down for her nap, dozer jumps in for a little cuddle time with mom. 

olivia’s perfect nursery.

jenny’s first diaper change – ever. look at livi laughing… “um, do you know what you’re doing?”

all aunties on deck for a diaper & dress change.

the mann men — livi’s personal security

rub-a-dub-dub, livi in the tub.

the weekend was all about love. 
carlye & jerm… you’ve done good. real good.

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