
a fresh outlook for a new year.

I actually attack the concept of happiness. The idea that—I don’t mind people being happy—but the idea that everything we do is part of…

six months of saturdays. game over.

you know that feeling when you wake up on a saturday… “so what do you want to do today?” that’s how i’ve felt every…

there are 7 days in a week and someday isn't one of them

true words.

  don’t you just love this quote? when i said this new mantra to my dad, he quickly reminded his favorite dweller that neither…

a goal without a plan is just a wish

wishing. hoping. PLANNING.

a planner at heart, i’m a firm believer in this. planning can get a bad rap, “just go with the flow…” people will say….

when decisions get tough…

i haven’t found a quote i love this much in a very long time. it’s so true, huh? since seeing it, i’ve already referenced…

living life.

this couldn’t be more true. it’s something ting and i talk about often. we try to push ourselves individually and as a couple. to put ourselves in…

don’t stop believing.

so much of the holiday season is about believing. for children, it’s believing in santa clause and all the wonder of his magical reindeer…

shallow {but kinda true}.

…well, maybe those late night nachos did after saturday’s beers, biking and wings. happy monday. here’s to a week of working off those weekend splurges!…

this weekend: think about it.

if you feel like tossing your to-do list this weekend – do it. you deserve it. i have a feeling we’ll be “wasting” a…

perfectly appropriate.

just bumped into this and thought it was perfect timing considering it’s our anniversary and all. {found here}

beats and lyrics.

When it comes to music, us and our friends have a thing… you’re either a “beats” or “lyrics” person. My husband and many of…

quote of the day.

this quote has been floating around and i really like it. enjoy your weekend.

our (friend) galaxy.

i have this framed in our house and in my cubicle. it’s a nice reminder since our friends are spread out throughout the globe. i hope…

recommended read.

I know I’m a little late, but if you haven’t read The Help yet, I highly recommend it. It’s about black domestic servants working in…

ain’t that the truth.

If you’re those dog people (like us) then you probably love this quote as well. How true is that? I was reading an interview with…

thought of the day.

This is one of our favorite quotes. It just sticks and can apply to everything in your life. Think about it. {photo credit abduzeedo}…husband,…

thought of the day.

Saw this while having some wine at Postino recently (are you starting to catch on that we go here a lot?). We liked it, so I…