our latest reading round up.

01. Four Hour Workweek – fantastic read for those looking to balance career with a leisurely lifestyle. everyone at my office has read it….

vacation books

reading on the road.

in addition to fun stuff, we’re reading notable novels that take place in the countries we’re visiting. it’s a great way to learn about…

the glass castle

get lost in the glass castle

if you’re looking for a quick read to cozy up with this autumn, grab the glass castle by janette walls. a memoir of her…

untranslatable words from other cultures.

languages are pretty incredible. the thought of letters forming words and those words creating a language is pretty trippy. i love that other languages…

books by numbers.

i love to read. both my parents are avid readers and i’m so glad they instilled that quality in me. it’s a wonderful thing…

bikes + books.

with the temps in the 90’s (read: tolerable), we’ve done a ton of bike riding around the new ‘hood this weekend. immediately after finishing…

just what the doctor ordered.

it’s been a busy week. tonight called for the couch + my boys + one of my favorite dinners… cheese, crackers, meats, mixed nuts,…

triple feature weekend.

we were quite the movie goers this weekend.  i love being able to reserve our seats online (more about that here). we saw 21…

trend watch.

While flipping through a recent issue of Us Weekly I cringed a little when I saw the latest trend included French Bulldogs. Ugh. Don’t get me…

weekend read.

Have you read Tina Fey’s Bossypants yet? If you love Tina Fey or anything she has a hand in, Saturday Night Live or NBC’s 30 Rock,…

recommended read.

I know I’m a little late, but if you haven’t read The Help yet, I highly recommend it. It’s about black domestic servants working in…

girly reads & movies.

{image from emily giffin} I love to read. So do a lot of my girlfriends, which is nice. We’re usually swapping books and suggesting reads….

new magazine on the rack.

Do you love fashion, interior design, travel & entertaining? Then you must subscribe to what’s guaranteed to be a fabulous new magazine, High Gloss….