the year of the yes.

i feel like i’m usually up for most things, but this year both danny and i have been lived to the mantra: “the year of the yes” –  just. say. yes. even when you don’t want to and especially when you’d typically say no. by channeling this, we’ve both already done a few things out of our comfort zone, had some unexpected fun and we’re totally digging it.

with that being said, a couple weeks ago my girlfriend Carlyn called to see if i’d be up for a totally spontaneous trip to las vegas to do one night of Electric Daisy Carnival (a three-night, all-electronica music festival that draws 300,000 people)… my answer, yes! why not?! and my next phone call… to Colby, who decided to jump in with me. yay! in just the past week we managed to scalp single-night tickets to the sold-out fest, decided on a group “golden” theme and purchased some gold lamé,  crafted glittery gold DIY projects and we’re off.. tonight!

this evening, us girls are flying to meet each other in vegas and immediately hoping on a party bus to the festival which goes from 7 p.m. – 7 a.m., and then we’re flying home sunday morning. no hotel. no luggage. just a whole lot of gold body paint & glitter. it’s gonna be totally nuts and awesome. yup, this is where us girls will be tonight.

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