quenching my thirst for family.

about 10 days ago, i was reading a book and a huge wave of, “i really want to see my family” came over me so i booked a last minute ticket to san diego and off i went last weekend.

it worked out great since my dad was in town (mom is still up in oregon) and my sister-in-law to be was there enjoying the tail end of her summer vacation from dental school in oregon. i spent a full day with heather (little brother’s fiancé) checking out the wedding venue, cruising craft stores for inspiration and chatting about wedding ideas over cocktails. unlike the typical jam-packed holiday visits, we didn’t have a real agenda so the pace was slower which made for quality time together. we had a long pizza dinner with heather’s family, i power walked with my dad, got to see my little brother in action at his newish job and squeezed in a wine night with lacey jaye.

P1150042the spot where steven & heather will say i do next may! P1150045
heather in bride mode chatting with her on-site coordinator.P1150051such a beautiful venue in northern san diego. P1150054  P1150057

IMG_2702post-venue recap.P1150067growing up, our home always had an open-door policy. there was never a shortage of friends and family popping by. the same is true today. one of steven’s good friends, brett, just stopped over to say hello. P1150070dad and me doin’ our thing. dad obviously in a UA polo.P1150076P1150080it wouldn’t be a trip home without dad’s “cinnamon french toast” & bacon for breakfast. his specialty.IMG_2716we got to see steven in action on the new j-o-bP1150081this is the park in our neighborhood where much of my childhood took place. P1150083danny and i are so stoked that dad’s on the fitness kick. he got a personal trainer, loves his online calorie counter and is shedding the pounds.there’s no stopping him now! i joined him for his powerwalk route one beautiful san diego morning. P1150084i may have had a few childhood smooches under that bride. and caught a few crawdads in “the stream” P1150089“the swings” we all grew up on + i learned to ride a bike on that basketball court.P1150102cruising around walnut grove park. of course dad bumped into multiple friends – local celeb.P1150126this is where i went to raggedy ann & andy pre-school. P1150111 P1150117dad being a total creeper.P1150122and then some modeling. bill’s feeling good.

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