home from heaven.

the tuesday after coachella is tough. the insanely anticipated multi-day music extravaganza is over. you have to hug some of your dearest friends goodbye. the adrenaline that’s kept you going around the clock for four days is gone, and the exhaustion kicks in just as you return to your office job. its time to remove your wristband, zillion friendship bracelets and your watch goes back to keeping time of office meetings – not concert times. the clash of the two worlds couldn’t be more polar. it’s almost surreal.

but today’s tired is all worth it. we just had another weekend of a lifetime. a weekend filled with more smiles and amazing moments than some people will probably experience in a lifetime.

we’ve got tons of photos, videos and stories to share and they’ll be coming soon. until the, look who’s photo is popping up around the web in places like the Connecticut Post and Houston Chronicle.

{we finally saw Alicia on sunday, and she was exploring with me, Colby & Jenny when a photographer with Getty Images asked to snap our photo. Colbs, Jenny & me had an unplanned lacy & flower crown look goin’ on. note the guy face planted and “resting” behind us – hahaha!}
“We” are also being spotted in some other awesome images around the web. And by “we” I mean our undeniably awesome balloons strapped to Colby. Here are two in the OrangeCounty.com Coachella slideshow.
{those are our double yellow balloons dancing to the sounds of Santigold on stage}
{spotted again! our ballons covered in confetti during Girl Talk’s massive grass dance party!}


  • Reply April 18, 2012

    Phani Kumar

    Here is a link to the unofficially guide book for Coachella 2012 offered by Smashwords: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/151795. I would love to attend at Coachella 2012!

  • Reply April 18, 2012


    Wow. Can’t believe I actually tracked you down. Saw your friend Colby’s balloon at Coachella and would love love love to borrow this idea for next year. Have some questions about it. Please get in touch with me. :)

  • Reply April 19, 2012

    Alicia Doell

    So glad we finally got to meet up! What a magical weekend:)

  • Reply April 30, 2012

    Teri B.

    hi @longshotjoe – send me an email at teribockting@gmail.com and we’ll chat further.

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