Giving Thanks in Tucson.

thanksgiving ’13 was spent in tucson with danny’s folks and “the grandmas.” it was a small group but everyone was in high spirits and the size of the feast didn’t shrink.

without fail, the minute we pull into that driveway in the desert, things slow down and we become insta-relaxed and lazy. we cooked, ate & drank, did some desert walking with the pup, had a constant stream of Hallmark holiday movies in the background (Fir Crazy, anyone?), the grandmas told us stories of their young courtships and marriages (ages 16 & 17!), their weddings, rationing stamps during the war and we talked about their perspective on societal change. we spent the entire day after Thanksgiving doing an office clean out & upgrade getting vicky’s oooold computer transferred to her shiny new 27″ iMac (goodbye floppy disks), had our mandatory mexican meal, and capped one night thoroughly enjoying the Garth Brooks live from the Wynn special. a classic three nights at home to kick off the 2013 holiday season.

P1150829{the brussels sprouts before they were destroyed. the pan & spoon, too}  P1150896
{meme, her daughter vicky & grandkids}P1150890
{meme loves her pets and wants everyone to know it!}P1150889 P1150883 P1150882
{please? come on grandma. just a little bite} P1150873
{a feast for six}P1150863P1150867
my charming husband & his turkey}P1150860{that classic family holiday moment between a mom and son. #awkward talk}P1150857{i can only imagine a dog’s view of thanksgiving. people and food everywhere. torture}P1150849 P1150847{the grandmas were telling stories & laughing at danny’s antics} P1150843P1150837P1150836P1150833P1150871P1150877{dinner is served!}thanksgiving{and then the post-dinner carpet crash. hunter was still super hyper but the rest of us were down for the count}


hope you had a lovely thanksgiving.
to my california family, love & missed you.

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