watch out for dem jumpin’ cactus.


how beautiful is this? it’s about 5 minutes east of danny’s parents house. pretty nuts. we’ve never explored the rincon mountains or these various trails and decided to load up the pooch, get some fresh air and burn off some of those holiday calories.     IMG_3283
good thing we own a battle tank for the dirt roads.

most people wouldn’t peg a french bulldog for hiking, but huntie is an AWESOME hiker and loves every second of it (when the weather is cool). we’ve been making a very conscious effort to make sure hunter does something active every single day and i think it’s paying off. he’s in great shape right now.

weather was a little too warm for leggings, so danny stripped them off in the middle of the trail. no big.   IMG_3399

ma boys.   IMG_3292

and then our little explorer went off-trail and got a jumping cactus in his paw. he didn’t yelp or anything, just lifted his paw up and waited for dad to get it out.  IMG_3291  IMG_3290
the medical instruments for removal: two sticks. IMG_3386
the evening’s color palette was so pretty and muted. IMG_3285
hunter warming his muscles on the heating pad post-hike. IMG_3288

he absolutely loved the heating pad (and the electric back massager). spoiled, much?

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