life in fifth gear.

it has been an absolute whirlwind of a month. between a jam-packed social calendar, finalizing the job hunt (one day consisted of 5+ hours of interviewing which included a 2+ hour writing text – bleh), traveling to florida for a weekend with friends (yeah, i haven’t even mentioned that one on the blog yet), having meg and quinn in phoenix for a couple weeks, taking a day trip to tucson, celebrating vicky’s birthday, finishing up a sewing class and all the regular life stuff on top of that, i feel like us tings haven’t had a single second to breathe. in fact, after we dropped meg & quinn off at the airport on sunday morning we plopped on the couch and realized we hadn’t even looked at our DVR in over two weeks. it’s exploding with shows! i had high hopes for sunday afternoon. now that i’m a working woman again, the weekends are like gold so i had the added pressure to maximize my day off. i wanted to hit the gym, edit photos, get some blog posts done, change the sheets, wash the heaps of laundry, clean the house, get the weekly grocery shopping done… but yeah, none of that happened. my body finally crashed. physically i was down for the count. my back hurt. my stomach was killing me and i couldn’t even keep my eyes open long enough to even watch a recorded episode of californication. i. was. done. i took over the couch and was pretty much in-and-out of consciousness the whole day and barely woke up just in time for the oscars (and then dragged myself back to bed right after them and didn’t even have to change – pajamas were still on).

i love keeping a busy scheduled, but yesterday was pretty miserable. my body finally had to shut down to completely stop me from doing anything. do you ever feel like that? i haven’t felt like that in a while.

the good news is that i had a full day to rest and am gearing up for an awesome week at work and even better weekend. oh, and i promise i’ll try to update the blog with all kinds of photos before then.

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