near year’s resolutions check-in.

did you know today, july 2, is the exact halfway point of the year? yup. kinda nuts it’s already here, huh? i agree. so, figured today was a good time to check in on where i’m at with the 2013 goals i wrote on january 1.

1. be present. be in the moment. focus on the conversation at hand. 

personally. professionally. don’t get distracted by other things. be present. listen, take it in & digest it.
2. dwell less.
yeah, it’s always on the list. but i swear i’m getting better. 
3. more vitamins. 
another repeat, but i did do pretty good last year so here’s to hoping for daily.
4. lose the word “busy” from my vocabulary.
i was even annoying myself at how often i used this word. we’re all busy. and busy is totally subjective. busy to me may be your most relaxing day. we’re all dealing with jobs, kids, life. “how was your day?” “busy”- find another descriptor. dig deeper, people. 
5. step-up my skin care products & regimen. 
i find it so overwhelming. facials? easy. but skin products? so many decisions and marketing. bleh.

6. read my magazines or unsubscribe.
digital and print. enough said. this goes for online newsletters and catalogs, too.

7. make more time for hobbies. 
i love to DIY. i’ve got a new sewing machine & an dresser dedicated to supplies. do it. use ’em.

8. cook more. eat less. 

i love to dine out and have a bit of a portion control problem. if it tastes good, i’m not stopping.

9. go shopping in my own closet.
it’s okay to re-wear outfits. and even be photographed in them – twice (ah!) get creative. mix & match.

10. be a hostess, not hostress
they. are. friends. they don’t care if you have fresh flowers or a perfectly clean house. it’s just about spending time together. in fact, they’ll probably appreciate your relaxed approach (less pressure on them when they reciprocate) and you’ll have more fun chatting verses stressing about the lighting & the playlist. let your friends pour their own wine – if they judge you, consider your friendship. imagine how much more we’d all just “stop by” if we didn’t push pressure on each other to whip up Pinterest looking cheese boards and come with a bow-tied hostess gifts in hand. a bunch of my girlfriend’s and i have talked about being better at this... and it’s awesome. i used to panic if danny sprung on me that he invited jack & jane over without any notice. his response, “i think we have some hot dogs and chips – nobody cares.” i would immediately start flying around the house and off to the grocery store i’d go. stress. but you know what? if they’re legit friends, they really don’t care… just always keep a fully stocked bar ;)

overall, i’m doing pretty good. some much better than others. i just hate taking horse pills. 
… how are your resolutions going? 

1 Comment

  • Reply July 13, 2013

    Erica Newton

    Love this. I’m totally taking your hostress one on board. We are having a dinner party tomorrow and you’re so right- it doesn’t have to be perfect- enjoying yourself is way more important that stressing all day about preparations.. Thanks Teri!

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