weekend morning with the hunger games.

huntie and i are usually the first ones up on saturday & sunday, so we sneak out to the living room to make coffee, watch my recorded trash tv or read until ting gets up and joins us. lately, i’ve been spending my quiet time reading since i’m hooked on The Hunger Games series. i’m just about to start the third and final book in the series. so good.
danny snapped this of me and my little man a couple weeks ago. he was fast asleep on his mama.


  • Reply February 12, 2012


    I love it when you find a good book that you can’t put down..;I may have to give those books a try, it’s been a while since I read anything that really grabbed me.

    Cute photo too :)

  • Reply February 12, 2012

    Erica Newton

    Its so funny you posted this- cause i was just going to ask you for a book recommendation and if you didn’t have one- i was going to start this series.. as it was recommended by another friend. So that answers that. I will start this series today! Cant wait!

    PS love your quiet mornings.. sounds like the perfect way to start the weekend. Except mine might include a few snacks (muffins, toast, candy, left over pizza..)

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