february’s first friday.

danny organized a night out on the town for us last friday night that started with dinner at tuck shop
{waiting for our table}
{we started with the pasta fries… and it was literally little pastas – fried. duh. we each ate two and then bleh}

{cute little downtown restaurant}
{someone’s ride to dinner. for real.}
and then, we headed further south for downtown phoenix “first fridays” art walk. it was a really fun date night and we were so happy to see tons of people out and about, lots of live music and great art. phoenix felt super urban and alive last friday night.
{the famous matt’s big breakfast at night}
{danny checkin’ out the fry bread truck… wishing someone would have split with him}

{live music in front of Revolver Records}

{awesome downtown building}

{the photo didn’t capture it, but danny was on the screen}

{a couple singing in the corner}

{looking from the outside in. a young videographer at work}

{RAC band… sublime meets 311 sound on the street corner}

{painted on the side of a building}

{loved this lady}
{bricks painted to look stained-glassish}

{one of our favorites. this guy was selling his “lego” jewelery}

{we found our way to the dub step corner. lots of beads, pet rats & i was invited to a rave.}

{phoenix’s modified arts}

sadly, we didn’t come home with any art this time around. remember this art walk gem?

1 Comment

  • Reply February 6, 2012

    Kristin Moon Thomson

    This was our EXACT same date night on Friday too! I think we got a later start than you guys did. Maybe a double date next time. :)

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