like a big pizza pie, that’s amore.

you know when companies or shows will add up the amount of something you eat in a year? i honestly wouldn’t want to know how much pizza we consume as a couple in a year… or even worse how much cheeeeeeese.

thank goodness we love to cook and often opt for homemade pizza over takeout to help a little bit with the calorie consumption (as much as you can when you’re dealing with cheese & dough). last night we (ting) whipped up a pie topped with one of our fave combos – caramelized onions, diced tomatoes and feta cheese crumbles. yum. i made the side caesar salad and poured the beer. such a huge help.

{the chef loves working on his dough!}

{room temperature and ready for stretching!}

{dice & slice master dan}

{one tasty looking caesar if i may say so}

{time to caramelize. oh how i miss a gas stove}

{see — fat free feta crumbles. told you we’re trying}

{ready for baking}

{cooked to perfection. now where’s the ranch?}

{this is pretty much our nightly scene. our dinner (eh, coffee) table, beggar & tv remotes}

{indian style* on the couch and ready to grub. that’s how the tings do it!}
*did you know we (society) no longer call sitting like that “indian style”? kids today learn how to sit “criss-cross applesauce” – that’s not a joke. crazy what you learn being around a girlfriend and her four-year-old. baffled. 

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