all wrapped up.

i’m a little nuts when it comes to wrapping gifts (i get this from my mom). before danny and i get a tree, i make sure we have gifts wrapped and ready to go under it. how sad would a christmas tree be with nothing underneath it? i think it would be sad. it’s like the day after christmas as a kid, when the tree bottom is empty and you know it’s all over.

besides that, wrapping presents is like one big DIY craft project. sign me up. the options are endless. it requires tools and ribbons and pretty papers. from now until december 25th, i’ll spend many hours on the family room floor wrapping and enjoying every minute of it (until my back starts to hurt). i typically crank up the tunes (or throw on some trash TV), light the fireplace and lay out all my supplies as i carefully pick out paper based on the gift recipient, find the matching ribbon, push myself to get more creative and top it off with a handpicked hanging tag for that person. 
{the first of this season’s many wrapping hours}

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