autumn wine & dine {girls only}.

at what point is something considered annual? it feels a little premature, but i guess this was my second annual autumn girls wine party on the thursday before thanksgiving. i feel like its a good date to host a holiday party… the holiday craziness hasn’t totally started, but you’re ready to kick off the seasons festivities. and festive it was! we had lots of wine and plenty of food – stuffed mushrooms, margarita pizza squares, deviled eggs, chicken salad finger sandwiches, spinach artichoke dips, homemade chex mix, antipasti skewers, of course cheese, meats & cracks plus desserts (thank you to all the girls who baked)! that all, of course, is just background for all the conversation and laughs you get when 20 girls are together.
my camera never came out and sadly not everyone was captured, but a big thanks to ang & steph for their awesome photos. cheers to all you girls who came by! and to those who couldn’t make it – see you next year!

{elaine and amy taking their turn in “the chair” – ting’s so pleased}
{courtney & stephanie … we will all go to a show together}
{this is a classic teri move… the arm-out friend photo. bless the iPhone reversible camera for viewing}
{photos from the demonstration above}
{alicia trying out ting’s new chair}
{steph & britany swinging while swigging}
{e. ray and my fave wine soldier ms. stark}
{lots of outfit coordination going on last night. alicia & rachel taking charge of the tunes}
{could steph & i be more perfectly coordinated. not planned, just in synch}
{danny comes home. the text, “hi. um, can i please come home now?”}
{double bunny ears}
{someone was in seventh heaven with all the lady attention}
{the last three standing. someone had to finish that last open bottle.}
photos from last year’s party here.

1 Comment

  • Reply November 21, 2011

    Nicole Marie

    all you girls re so pretty!! and yes doing something two years in a row makes it a tradition :)

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